Diffusion Models for Video Generation

Diffusion models have demonstrated strong results on image synthesis in past years. Now the research community has started working on a harder task—using it for video generation. The task itself is a superset of the image case, since an image is a video of 1 frame, and it is much more challenging because: It has extra requirements on temporal consistency across frames in time, which naturally demands more world knowledge to be encoded into the model....

Date: April 12, 2024 | Estimated Reading Time: 20 min | Author: Lilian Weng

What are Diffusion Models?

[Updated on 2021-09-19: Highly recommend this blog post on score-based generative modeling by Yang Song (author of several key papers in the references)]. [Updated on 2022-08-27: Added classifier-free guidance, GLIDE, unCLIP and Imagen. [Updated on 2022-08-31: Added latent diffusion model. [Updated on 2024-04-13: Added progressive distillation, consistency models, and the Model Architecture section. So far, I’ve written about three types of generative models, GAN, VAE, and Flow-based models. They have shown great success in generating high-quality samples, but each has some limitations of its own....

Date: July 11, 2021 | Estimated Reading Time: 32 min | Author: Lilian Weng

Curriculum for Reinforcement Learning

[Updated on 2020-02-03: mentioning PCG in the “Task-Specific Curriculum” section. [Updated on 2020-02-04: Add a new “curriculum through distillation” section. It sounds like an impossible task if we want to teach integral or derivative to a 3-year-old who does not even know basic arithmetics. That’s why education is important, as it provides a systematic way to break down complex knowledge and a nice curriculum for teaching concepts from simple to hard....

Date: January 29, 2020 | Estimated Reading Time: 24 min | Author: Lilian Weng

Self-Supervised Representation Learning

[Updated on 2020-01-09: add a new section on Contrastive Predictive Coding]. [Updated on 2020-04-13: add a “Momentum Contrast” section on MoCo, SimCLR and CURL.] [Updated on 2020-07-08: add a “Bisimulation” section on DeepMDP and DBC.] [Updated on 2020-09-12: add MoCo V2 and BYOL in the “Momentum Contrast” section.] [Updated on 2021-05-31: remove section on “Momentum Contrast” and add a pointer to a full post on “Contrastive Representation Learning”] Given a task and enough labels, supervised learning can solve it really well....

Date: November 10, 2019 | Estimated Reading Time: 38 min | Author: Lilian Weng

Flow-based Deep Generative Models

So far, I’ve written about two types of generative models, GAN and VAE. Neither of them explicitly learns the probability density function of real data, $p(\mathbf{x})$ (where $\mathbf{x} \in \mathcal{D}$) — because it is really hard! Taking the generative model with latent variables as an example, $p(\mathbf{x}) = \int p(\mathbf{x}\vert\mathbf{z})p(\mathbf{z})d\mathbf{z}$ can hardly be calculated as it is intractable to go through all possible values of the latent code $\mathbf{z}$....

Date: October 13, 2018 | Estimated Reading Time: 21 min | Author: Lilian Weng

From Autoencoder to Beta-VAE

[Updated on 2019-07-18: add a section on VQ-VAE & VQ-VAE-2.] [Updated on 2019-07-26: add a section on TD-VAE.] Autocoder is invented to reconstruct high-dimensional data using a neural network model with a narrow bottleneck layer in the middle (oops, this is probably not true for Variational Autoencoder, and we will investigate it in details in later sections). A nice byproduct is dimension reduction: the bottleneck layer captures a compressed latent encoding....

Date: August 12, 2018 | Estimated Reading Time: 21 min | Author: Lilian Weng

From GAN to WGAN

[Updated on 2018-09-30: thanks to Yoonju, we have this post translated in Korean!] [Updated on 2019-04-18: this post is also available on arXiv.] Generative adversarial network (GAN) has shown great results in many generative tasks to replicate the real-world rich content such as images, human language, and music. It is inspired by game theory: two models, a generator and a critic, are competing with each other while making each other stronger at the same time....

Date: August 20, 2017 | Estimated Reading Time: 21 min | Author: Lilian Weng