Extrinsic Hallucinations in LLMs

Hallucination in large language models usually refers to the model generating unfaithful, fabricated, inconsistent, or nonsensical content. As a term, hallucination has been somewhat generalized to cases when the model makes mistakes. Here, I would like to narrow down the problem of hallucination to cases where the model output is fabricated and not grounded by either the provided context or world knowledge. There are two types of hallucination: In-context hallucination: The model output should be consistent with the source content in context....

Date: July 7, 2024 | Estimated Reading Time: 30 min | Author: Lilian Weng

Adversarial Attacks on LLMs

The use of large language models in the real world has strongly accelerated by the launch of ChatGPT. We (including my team at OpenAI, shoutout to them) have invested a lot of effort to build default safe behavior into the model during the alignment process (e.g. via RLHF). However, adversarial attacks or jailbreak prompts could potentially trigger the model to output something undesired. A large body of ground work on adversarial attacks is on images, and differently it operates in the continuous, high-dimensional space....

Date: October 25, 2023 | Estimated Reading Time: 33 min | Author: Lilian Weng

Reducing Toxicity in Language Models

Large pretrained language models are trained over a sizable collection of online data. They unavoidably acquire certain toxic behavior and biases from the Internet. Pretrained language models are very powerful and have shown great success in many NLP tasks. However, to safely deploy them for practical real-world applications demands a strong safety control over the model generation process. Many challenges are associated with the effort to diminish various types of unsafe content:...

Date: March 21, 2021 | Estimated Reading Time: 23 min | Author: Lilian Weng